Monday, April 7, 2008

Questions? Comments? Serenity, Dollhouse and Buffy: Between the Lines (part 1)...

Can't Stop The Serenity (CSTS)
How do you use your fandom for the power of good? Perhaps you read the blogs about 'Operation Full Burn' and were wondering "Well, that's really great and exciting. I love Firefly/Serenity too. But message boards and online campaigns don't do it for me. And there are lots of good causes that need my attention more." Good point. Should you be using your time differently? Well, I can't answer that for you! What, did you think I'd turned into Dear Margo?! Seriously though, it would be great to combine fandom and good works, wouldn't it?

Which is where CSTS comes in.
Can't Stop The Serenity is an organisation set up to hold charity events and Serenity screenings where the proceeds go to a charity - Equality Now. Since 2006 over $160, 000 has been raised by CSTS for Equality Now, and event planning is well under way for this year. The first events were charity screenings of Serenity on or around Joss Whedon's birthday (June 23rd) but in 2007 this expanded to other events. Many people never got to see Serenity as it was supposed to be seen - on the big screen - so if nothing else, it is a great opportunity to see a brilliant movie. And it's for charity, a charity that works hard to bring an end to violence and discrimination against women and girls, a charity that Joss himself supports with passion (see his YouTube speech).

2008 targets
So in 2008 will you help make a difference? This year CSTS has set itself the challenging task of raising $150,000 with 55 cities participating. I'm going to be at my local screening and all you need to do it check out what's going on near you on the CSTS website. If there is nothing near, you could always think about starting something...there is lots of information and support available so it won't hurt to look.

How long should a blog post be?
Ok, I'm going to split up my posts today because it's getting a bit long and I haven't even started on the other bits yet! Apparently a good blog should be about 150-200 words long, so I'll carry on shortly with news about Dollhouse and Buffy: Between the Lines.

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